Mizuki Tsukiakari

"Beneath the moon there are many secrets, but in the shadows we can always find the answer."Seamstress, Sharlayan Mercenary, Scholar
Modded, Mare



Name: Mizuki Tsukiakari
Tribe: Unknown
Race: Half-Xaela, Half-Dragon
Age: Unknown (Late 20s)
Gender: Female
Preference: Straight
Mizuki wasn’t raised among the Steppe with her tribe, she never knew who her parents were or what tribe they belonged to. She was stripped of that privilege by the Garlean Empire. When she was just a baby, perhaps a few days old, she was taken in by a Hyur family that lived amongst the rice fields of Yanixa. There she grew up, learning Hingashi traditions, but never forsaking her Xaelan roots when given the chance. Her parents did everything in their power to make sure she grew up knowing both Hingan and Xaelan languages, as well as the local Doman language, sticking to the more common dialects of the Steppe since even they did not know what tribe she belonged to. She grew up modestly, taking up the family's art of weaving that had been passed down for generations. But as she grew older, she grew restless of the rice fields and spinning wheels. She sought something more and turned to Kugane to both further her craft as a way to make money and to search for knowledge. She spent a few years of her early teens in Kugane working under a kimono maker. There, a Noble family from Ishgard found her in the markets, and offered her a position as their personal seamstress. She eagerly accepted, and within the month was moved to Empyreum where she lived until her late teens.She had always thirsted for knowledge, ever the inquisitive mind. Seeking out any and all that she could feed her curiosity. Recognizing the need and drive, her patron family sent her to Sharlayan to join the prestigious Students of Baldesian. There, she began her journey to becoming a Scholar, and not just as a student, but as a healer as well. Though finding her faerie was a long and arduous journey that was not at all conventional in any sort of means. She focused on her studies, finding that she had a particular interest in auracite and souls.However, when the battle for Doma heated up, she was forced into a position of choosing to fight for the freedom of her homeland, or turning a blind eye to continue on her path to becoming an Archon. She couldn't stand by idle, while Sharlayan did the same. Armed with her knowledge of healing, she left for Yanxia. And served as a field medic until Doma was freed. She never returned to Sharlayan, not as a student. But Sharlayan saw the value in her healing abilities and would hire her from time to time for field expeditions. Protecting and healing researchers should mishaps occur. One such mishap left her leg marred with a deep, unhealing scar. Despite even that, she kept working as a healer mecenary. But, she returned to Empyreum, and using the money from her Patron family, as well as the money from mercenary work she bought an estate.Present Day
Mizuki's curiosities about the unknown led her down a much darker path. Seeking out things considered taboo or forbidden in nature. Her pursuits brought her to a particular organization. An information brokerage that started her on a path she could never look back from. Eventually even becoming a Boss of said organization when it reconstructed itself into a business. But it wasn't meant to be, not for ever. She left them behind with the intent to finally, after nearly a decade, return to Sharlayan to finish her dissertation and become an Archon. Though she didn't leave on bad terms, it still pains her to part from something she helped created. But, there are new opportunities on the horizon that she is eagerly pursuing. Archon, being one of many.

Mizuki in her Scholar Garb

Mizuki's Favorite Location: Yanixa


Race: Half-Xaelan
Scales: Black
Eyes: Red (Left) Purple (Right)
Skin: Purple
Height: 5’2
Weight: 120 lbs
Tattoos: Yes
Presenting: Feminine
Mizuki is a strikingly beautiful Xaelan woman. Or so she appears. She has deep purple skin and startlingly black scales as well as black floral tattoos covering a large portion of her chest, back, arms and legs. What sets her apart from most Xaelans, are her long pointy ears and the horns that sit atop her head rather than astride her face. Typically Mizuki wears feminine clothing, often seen in tight fitting jeans and blouses, or fancy dresses, mini-skirts and low-cut tops. She is unafraid to flaunt her body, or dress in a provocative fashion should the occasion rise. Canonically speaking, she makes all of her own clothing, often not wearing the same thing twice.Her hair is black in color, and wavy in texture. Typically she wears it in a neatly crafted bun surrounded by a braid. A few loose strands of fringe to frame her delicate features. Occasionally, she'll wear it in other styles, but not often. She's grown her hair out in the last year, and rarely she'll wear it down.Following an incident that happened nearly a cycle ago, Mizuki has a large claw-like scar on her upper right thigh. Four long stripes that mar both flesh and scale alike and disrupts the nearly perfect appearance she had maintained thus far. Despite a year of time passing, it still looks in a state of only just healed.

Mizuki in casual and more dressed up Looks


Mizuki is generally a caring individual. She is loyal to a fault for those she considers closer to her. She’s open minded and understanding despite having her own set world view. She makes an attempt to understand those that are different from her. She does, however, have a bit of a temper. She can be easy to anger on certain subjects and does not hold back when she has been disrespected or mistreated. She’s stubborn, outspoken, and independent and usually enjoys being on her own. Though when she develops a relationship with someone, platonically or romantically, she invests a large part of herself into ensuring those relationships are treasured.Mizuki is currently committed to her partner, Pollux. But their relationship is an open one, and she's grown close to another individual in her life. Relationships aren't something she's seeking, as she's more than happy with who she has. Her heart is full, and belongs to her beloved.


Do you believe your character has a strong relationship with Mizuki? Reach out to me either in game or on discord (if you have my profile) and we can discuss.

Serin Darkmoon
Wife, Partner

Serin is more than just Mizuki's best friend, she's a partner. Mizuki's wife. The two married both for mutual benefits (tax evasion) and their deep connection for one another. The best word to describe the two, is soulmates. They do as much as they can together, from healing to crafting, to running a Free Company. Mizuki would do anything for her wife, and hurt anyone who dare lay a finger on the sweet Raen woman. Serin is just that important to Mizuki. Serin spends most of her time travelling abroad.

Pollux Troy

Mizuki met Pollux by happenstance. Flirting, side glances, teasing, they soon found themselves growing closer. Spending more and more time with each other. Its one of those relationships that burned bright and hot and only get deeper as time goes on. Its been nearly a cycle since they first met. And the two are deeply in love, and committed to one another. Their relationship have survived numerous tragedies, but just as many high points. They own a home together in the Mist.

Hanon Obesake
Best Friend

Mizuki met Hanon during her time in Shirogane. The two were quick to become friends, and eventually even best friends. They mean a lot to each other and are often seen doing things together. Be it Mercenary work, club hopping, and even working at the same Venue. The two are essentially sister's at this point, and Mizuki would do anything for Hanon, and vice versa.

Zyn Moks

Zyn is the first ever court that Mizuki has personally booked. The two were surprised by the amount of chemistry they shared and soon grew to be proper lovers and friends. They dominate the court scene as two of the hottest courts on staff. They constantly bully and tease one another, but are truly the other's biggest fan.

Syrinne Shadowmoon
Best Friend

Syrinne Shadowmoon
Syrinne was a chance encounter that turned into a lasting friendship. Bonding through both their love for a good whiskey, the woes of healing stupidity, and the more carnal desires of the flesh, the two always have each other's backs. Mizuki adores the Elezen woman, and will often try to get her employed at any venues Mizuki is working at the time.


Mizuki became friends with Yania through their mutual places of work. Quickly finding a lot in common between their fashion sense, their taste in men, and a few other things that they share. Overtime their relationship developed into something more intimate. Mizuki considers Yania one of her lovers. Mizuki looks up to Yania a lot, and not just because of their height difference! (BIG FIHSY WOMAN <3)

In Character Roleplay


RP tag means IC

Criminal Connections: Mizuki has long since stepped her foot into the underbelly of the moral. She knows many in the crime circles of Eorzea, and at one point was the head of a criminal organization. She plans to start her own, with different ideals soon. You may have seen her at fight clubs, or other criminal oriented venues.Sharlayan: A Student of Baldesian and soon Archon, your character may have seen or met Mizuki if they also have connections to Sharlayan.Seamstress: You have ordered something from Mizuki to be specifically tailored to your character. Be it battle gear, casual wear, or something more formal. Or, you have heard of the work she has done in Isghard. Perhaps you are a friend of the Noble families she works for, or at least acquainted.Mercenary Work: You have worked with her before on a particular project related to research in Sharlayan or Labyrinthos (including the Aetherial Sea and Pandemonium). Perhaps your character has recently been assigned to the same team Mizuki happens to be on. Or you have heard of the Mercenary work and want to ask her questions about it.Yanixa: Your character grew up in the rice fields of Yanxia as well. Perhaps they met as children and haven't seen or heard from each other since they were young.In Passing: Do you find Mizuki interesting? She is a highly sociable person and loves to chat with people she just met. She's usually open to discuss just about anything over a glass of whiskey. She frequents bath houses when she isn't working or on an assignment. Mizuki has a unique appearance that typically draws attention, don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with her!


Romantic Interest: Have you and Mizuki been romantic interests in the past? Do you want to be romantically involved with her? If it comes to a point between the two characters that something like this makes sense it can be discussed. The likelyhood of a commited IC relationship however, is low.NSFW RP: Mizuki is fairly open about her sexuality, and despite being commited to her partner, their relationship is open. However, she does not sleep with any and everyone. She perfers to get to know someone before she sleeps with them.ERP: ERP will be on a case-by-case basis. I prefer to write narrative stories, not one-time hookups. They may happen from time to time, but they are the exception to the rule. Please don't engage with my character just to sleep with her.Will Do: Hooks ups (maybe), multiple partners, creampies, multiple orgasms, light BDSM, size difference, and a lot of others. You can always ask. Mizuki is primarily straight, however she isn't opposed to F/F+ encounters with the right person.Won't Do: Hard BDSM, Master/Slave, Bathroom/Scat, Ageplay, Lalafel (I prefer characters that are my character size or much, much larger. Nothing wrong with Lalas!)Wanna know more? See Mizuki's F-list: [https://www.f-list.net/c/mizuki%20tsukiakari]You can always ask if you have questions! Some of the maybes/nos can be situational, but for the most part the no section is a relatively hard no.

OOC Rules

No RP Tag usually means OOC, but you can still tell and ask for RP!

1. I do not want any sort of blending of IC and OOC character relationships. Keep all interactions of our characters in character and all OOC interactions separate from that. Please use (( or [[ for OOC conversations while RPing.2. I am not looking for a additional long term relationship between my character and any character that I encounter. I have several people I write romance narratives on Mizuki with, and simply don't have the time for more.3. The autonomy of my character is extremely important to me. No matter what kind of RP it is, she will not be treated like a piece of property to any character. Be it SFW or NSFW RP.4. RPing harm, death, or any kind of serious bodily injury to my character is not okay. Any instance of harm to Mizuki must be discussed OOCly before hand.5. Do NOT post pictures of my character to any form of social media without my express permission. Mizuki is my baby. Breaking this rule will result in a termination of all interactions both IC and OOC if you refuse to remove the photos when asked.6. If you have any kind of questions about my boundaries please feel free to ask! I'm an open book and open minded to most things with a few hard exceptions.

SFW Gallery: Coming Soon

Hanon x Mizu
Mizu and Hanon - Starlight
Mizu and Hanon - Starlight

NSFW Gallery: Coming Soon